The Failure of Credit Suisse Should Be Causing Sleepless Nights, NZZ, June 2024
Switzerland’s Too-Big-to-Fail Plan Is Flawed, Ex-BOE Deputy Says, Bloomberg, May 2024
The Independent Fed Is America’s Secret Superpower, Barron’s, May 2024
A message to economists: geopolitics matters too, FT, April 2024
A quiet revolution rocks central banking, Politico, Jan. 2024
How China and Cold War II Are Upending the International Order, Bloomberg, Dec. 2023
The best books on Geopolitics and Global Commerce, Five Books
How to avoid the Third World War, The Critic, March 2023
Ex-Bank of England Deputy Governor Paul Tucker on how quantitative easing has exposed government finances to rising interest rates,, May 2023
Paul Tucker Breaks Down the Changing World Order, National Review, March 2023
How Debt Ceiling Brinksmanship Jeopardizes U.S. Power, Washington Monthly, March 2023
European regulators criticise US ‘incompetence’ over Silicon Valley Bank collapse, Financial Times, March 2023
The elites of Davos don’t run the world. They barely understand it any more, The Telegraph, January 2023
What Chinese and American Statesmen Need to Do to Lessen Global Discord, Lit Hub, Nov. 2022
The Guardian view on big finance: addicted to government handouts, The Guardian 19 October, 2022
Chancellor scrambles for sources of income to close £32bn hole in state finances – what are his options?, Sky News, October, 2022
Ex-BOE Official Tucker Suggests Cutting Payouts on Bank Deposits, Bloomberg, October 2022
Bank of England accused of failures on shadow banking, Financial Times, August 2022
Fallout from Ukraine threatens the G20’s future, Financial Times, April 2022
BoE nears watershed moment for global monetary policy, Gulftimes, December 2021
The Fed appointments process should be overhauled, Financial Times, 23 Nov., 2021
Tucker: Five years is too long for digital euro debate, OMFIF, 24 Nov., 2021
Preserve the Fed’s Independence Above All Else, National Review, 19 Oct., 2021
UK mulls rule change to let banks trade with depositors’ money, Politico, 9 Sept., 2021
Do-It-All Central Banks Risk Rates Flexibility With New Mission, Bloomberg, 8 July, 2021
US Congress must ‘learn from ugly episode’ of GameStop trading, FT, 4 March, 2021
Sir Paul Tucker interview: QE has run its course, The Times, 21 Jan, 2021
Time to look again at the financial system’s dangerous faultlines, FT, 20 Jan. 2021
Regierungen streben immer nach Popularität, Freitag, 10 June 2020
‘A very big step’: Are we heading for negative interest rates?, Sky News, 1 June 2020
BoE risks losing credibility, warns former deputy governor, Financial Times, June 2020
The coronavirus crisis underlines dangers lurking in the financial system, warns former central banker, Market Watch, 13 April, 2020
How sick might banks get?, The Economist, 8 April, 2020
The Fed Has Averted a Systemic Financial Crisis—for Now. Here are 3 Areas to Monitor, Barron’s, 6 April, 2020
Fed Sidesteps Congress’s Bickering With Sweeping Rescue Plan, Bloomberg Law, 23 March, 2020
Are central banks now impotent? Prospect, 23 March, 2020
A retreat from Wall Street, FT, 3 March 2020
Can it be right that Ofcom is so very powerful?, Prospect, 2 March, 2020
Lower margins “extraordinary”, 12 Feb, 2020
Die Institution mit den sieben Siegeln, POLITIK & WIRTSCHAFT, Feb. 2020
Centre stage: political disputes have thrown central bank policy into the limelight, World Finance, 10 Feb. 2020
Sir Paul Tucker on Floors and Corridors, Alt-M, 20 Jan. 2020
The monetary king is dead. Long live the fiscal king, The Telegraph, 14 Jan. 2020
BOOK REVIEW: Unelected Power, Five Books, Dec. 2019
Detivatives clearinghouse resolution should be addressed by FSB, MLex Market Insight, 31 Oct., 2019
The hero worship of central bankers has become obscene – democracies must put them back in their box, The Telegraph, 30 Oct., 2019
BOOK REVIEW by Ernst Baltensperger, Journal of Economics, 30 Oct. 2019
Paul Tucker reveals the one thing regulators didn’t get right, Practice Insight , 28 Oct. 2019
Banks are right to say that clearing houses are ripe for reform, Financial Times, 24 Oct., 2019
The last stand of the central banker, liveMINT, 2 Oct., 2019
The strangling of European democracy, Spiked, 23 Aug., 2019
Interview with Paul Tucker, Top of Mind, 8 Aug., 2019
FSB’s Domanski cool on bail-in debt for clearing houses,, 26 July, 2019
How to Make the Monetary System Safer, Barrons, 12 July, 2019
When the next crisis comes, don’t blame the central bankers, Spiked, 8 July, 2019
Powerful and alienating central banks: principles for a delegation of power to unelected institutions, SAFE, May, 2019
Have regulators created a new type of financial monster?, The Economist, 30 May, 2019
Unelected power?, Pro & Contra, May, 2019
In the debate about interest rates, central banks are the key protagonists. Their decisions have far-reaching consequences, but unlike democratically elected governments, their power is not vested in them by way of election. Is this a problem? Sir Paul Tucker, former Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, and Professor Otmar Issing, former chief economist and former member of the Executive Board of the ECB, discuss the topic in an exchange of emails.
Fed Issues More Warnings on Danger of High-Risk Company Debt, Bloomberg, 6 May, 2019
How a Lone Norwegian Trader Shook the World’s Financial System, New York Times, 3 May, 2019
Notenbaken unter Beschuss, Donnerstag 25 April, 2019
Mario Draghi’s successor at the ECB has plenty to do, The Economist, 13 April, 2019
Trumpismus bedroht die US-Notenbank Fed, Handelsblatt 9 April, 2019
Critical CCP resolution plans not being prioritized, BobsGuide, 5 April, 2019
For US banks, billions in regulatory manna,, 9 Jan., 2019
Philip Cross: Central bankers can blame themselves for undermining their political ‘independence’ Financial Post, 9 Jan., 2019
Expert slår larm om skuggbanker: ”Oroande” SvD Näringsliv tisdag, 1 Jan., 2019
Harvardforskare om minusräntans gräns: ”Vore som Alice i underlandet” SvD Näringsliv tisdag, 14 Dec., 2018
Review of the Year 2018 and Outlook 2019, GlobalCapital, Dec., 2018
Stop sniping at central banks and set clear targets, Tim Hartford, 14 Dec., 2018
Centrale bankiers moeten op de lokale tv komen, Trends, 13 Dec., 2018
UK would need EU bank’s help in chaotic no-deal Brexit scenario, Sky News, 22 Nov., 2018
Are We Asking Too Much of Central Banks?, Yale Insights 21 Nov., 2018
Nationalbank: Wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann?, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16 Nov., 2018
Central Bank Independence: Just How Much Power Do We Give Technocrats?, Bloomberg Quint Opinion, 30 Oct., 2018
Why is Democracy Faltering?, Project Syndicate, 25 Oct., 2018
Institute of Economic Affairs Book Review, 25 Oct., 2018
The Taming of the Few, The American Interest, 16 Oct., 2018
So schwindet die Legitimität, Tages-Anzeiger, 13 Oct., 2018
Ce n’est pas à Mario Draghi de sauver Rome, Le Temps, 8 Oct., 2018
Sir Paul Tucker backs calls for break up of Big Four, by Chris Newlands, Financial News, 8 Oct., 2018
Bringing accountability to powerful, unelected officials, Larry, 3 Oct., 2018
Overview: Democracy Or Technocracy? Tucker’s Book is a Bold Attempt But Falls Short, by Leon Wansleben, RADIX, Sept., 2018
He’s Blowing The Whistle On Central Banks, Ozy, 26 Sept., 2018
A banker’s quest for legitimacy, Inside Story, 13 Sept., 2018
Post Lehman: Are central banks too powerful?, LiveMint, 10 Sept., 2018
Populism thrives when bureaucrats wield total control, The Daily Telegraph, 8 Sept., 2018
Book Review by Richard N. Cooper: Unelected Power, Foreign Affairs, Sept./Oct., 2018
Ex-Bank of England deputy governor says ‘pay top bankers in bonds’, Financial News, 7 Sept., 2018
Post-crisis, Do Central Banks Wield Too Much Power?, Wharton, 30 Aug., 2018
Reining in Technocracy to Increase Democratic Legitimacy, Regulatory Review, 8 Aug., 2018
Paul Tucker on Unelected Power: A Technocrat against Technocracy ProMarket, 23 July, 2018
A Former Central Banker Tells Other Central Bankers: “Stay Away From Davos” ProMarket, 3 July, 2018
Time to look again at the role of consumer welfare in our competition policy, The Times, 26 June, 2018
Das ist gefährlich, BILANZ, July 2018
‘Unelected Power’ Review: Monetary Mavericks, WSJ, 28 June, 2018
The Guardian view on hyper-populism: it’s infecting politicians and technocrats, The Guardian, 24 June, 2018
How Democratic Is The Euro?, Social Europe, 18 June, 2018
A Central Banker’s Plea for Less Power, Bloomberg, 17 June, 2018
Unelected central bankers are too mighty for everyone’s good, says former policy maker, MarketWatch, 15 June, 2018
Unelected power: banking’s biggest dilemma, NewStatesman, 13 June, 2018
New City Agenda with Paul Tucker, New City Agenda, 12 June, 2018
Central bankers are getting nervous about their cherished independence, Prospect, 1 June, 2018
Take Tucker’s tip, Standpoint Magazine, June, 2018
Les banquiers centraux doivent battre en retraite , LeMonde, 2 June, 2018
Controlling the Supreme Court of Finance, Project Syndicate, 31 May, 2018
Die unheimliche Macht der Notenbanken, Die Weltwoche, 30 May, 2018
Delegating power to the governors: Tucker’s framework for central banking OMFIF 22 May, 2018
Making Unelected Power Legitimate Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 21 May, 2018
Center for Financial Stability with Lawrence Goodman interview CFS, 17 May, 2018
The Only Game in Town: Central Banking as False Hope ProMarket, 14 May, 2018
The limits of central banks’ independence – public support? Policy Exchange, 10 May, 2018
Policy Exchange was pleased to welcome Sir Paul Tucker to launch his book Unelected Power: The quest for legitimacy in central banking and the regulatory state. The book explores two issues that Policy Exchange takes a serious interest in: monetary policy and financial market regulation, and the tendency for policy decisions to be taken by technocratic elites that are removed from direct political guidance and oversight. These are the issues that are at the heart of our Judicial Power Project. They are also reflected in a wider range of institutional questions touching on matters ranging from utility regulation to competition policy.
Who do ‘rock-star’ central bankers answer to? Financial Times, 10 May, 2018
Tucker: Transparency Is Important, The Age of Mystique is Gone Bloomberg Surveillance, 10 May, 2018
Paul Tucker, Former Deputy BOE Governor and Author of ‘Unelected Power,’ believes that Central Bankers are becoming the poster boys & girls of people making decisions that we didn’t elect.
A veteran central banker’s advice to Congress and the Fed on how best to preserve the Fed’s independence Brookings Institution, 9 May, 2018
Paul Tucker, drawing from his 33 years as a central banker, says that Congress should be much more specific about the objectives it wants the Federal Reserve to achieve and the Fed should try harder to explain what it’s doing.
The Exchange: Putting limits on central-bank power Reuters, 4 May, 2018
Central bankers emerged from the financial crisis with more clout than ever before. Can this be reconciled with democratic legitimacy? Former Bank of England Deputy Governor Paul Tucker explains why monetary authorities have become “overmighty citizens”, and how to rein them in.
Reducing the Power, The London Institute of Banking and Finance, Financial World, April 2018
Central banks ‘lack firepower needed to deal with recession The Times, 30 April, 2018
The Bank of England may face questions about its legitimacy should another recession strike before it has raised interest rates and rebuilt its monetary policy war chest, a former deputy governor has warned.
We haven’t killed off the culture of greed, warns Sir Paul Tucker The Times, 12 Aug., 2017
Sir Paul Tucker, former deputy governor of the Bank of England, remembers the run on Northern Rock rather differently from the televised images of queues snaking out of the one-time building society’s branches nearly a decade ago.
Sir Paul Tucker warns of complacency on bank risk Financial Times, 30 Nov.,2017
Sir Paul Tucker, the former deputy governor of the Bank of England, has warned policymakers to increase banks’ equity capital requirements to avoid projecting a false sense of security about the likelihood of coping smoothly with the failure of large banks.
Central banks ‘have never been on thinner ice’ MarketWatch, 8 Oct., 2016
The objectives of financial stability policy VOX CEPR’s Policy Portal, 28 Feb., 2016
The objective of financial stability policy is unclear. Is it the resilience of the financial system, avoiding the costs of systemic collapse, or managing the credit cycle, containing the costs of resource misallocation and over-indebtedness? This column argues that the answers have serious implications for what can decently be delegated to independent ‘macroprudential authorities’, but have barely been debated in those terms.
Former BoE deputy Sir Paul Tucker to chair US advocacy group Financial Times, 9 Dec., 2015
Paul Tucker, the former Bank of England deputy governor, has vowed to use his role as chair of a regulatory advocacy group to ensure policymakers’ commitment to reform the financial system does not wane as the crisis fades from memory.
Bank regulators need strong principles and firm rules, Financial Times, 18 June, 2014
To book Paul Tucker for a speaking engagement, contact Harry Walker Agency.
ICBS 2024: Keynote speech
Yale School of Management with Andrew Metrick
Adam Smith’s Panmure House
Centre for Global Security and Advance Aberdeen
Framing Modern Geopolitics, Bloomberg
SUERF – The European Money & Finance Forum
UCL Department of Political Science
National Review Institute
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Hoover Institution
China Challenge to Provoke New Economic Cold War?
Cambridge University Centre for Geopolitics
Centre for the Study of Governance and Society
Yale School of Management
Institute of International Monetary Research
Judge Ralph K. Winter Lecture
Paul Tucker on ‘Global Discord: Values and Power in a Fractured World Order’
Sir Paul Tucker on Peston
MMF Conference Special Session
Sir Paul Tucker on Is the UK suffering a sovereign debt crisis?
Fireside Chat with Sir Paul Tucker | VRI Conference 2022: Macroeconomics of Decarbonization
ECON Monetary Dialogue Preparatory Meeting
10 Years of the FSB Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions
Delegated powers in democracies
Awaiting the Will to Ensure Financial Market Stability
Monetary Policy Tools in the COVID-19 Crisis
Recession preparation: What happens when a big domestic bank fails?
Have Central Banks and Independent Regulators Replaced Constitutional Democracy?
HKS Library Virtual Book Tour with Sir Paul Tucker
Are We Asking Too Much of Central Banks?, Yale Insights
A Book Presentation and Discussion with Sir Paul Tucker
Paul Tucker on Bloomberg TV
One Bank Flagship Seminar with Lord McFall and Governor Mark Carney
AEI discussion with Sarah Binder, Brookings, and Philip Wallach, R Street
Imperial College Business School
Bond Vigilantes with Jim Leaviss
Bruegel panel discussion
Paul Tucker on Bloomberg
U.S. is “playing with fire” over China trade, Amanpour
London School of Economics and Political Science
Mini-course: “Problems of Legitimacy for Central Banks in Democracies” – Day 1
CNBC Powerlunch with Sir Paul Tucker
8th Conference on Bank Resolution, Crisis Management and Deposit Insurance
The Future of Monetary Policy
Banking Union, Monetary Policy and Economic Growth
Paul Tucker: Current Challenges for China
Paul Tucker: Predictions for Global Economy
The Incipient Crisis In Securities Regulation, Bendheim Center for Finance
Paul Tucker, Bank of England
The 2014 Albert H. Gordon Lecture with Paul Tucker